Skyline from Adler Planetarium at Sunset
I offer a variety of mentoring options depending on your needs. From local one on one shooting sessions, online video screen sharing, or small group camera introduction sessions. Whether you are a beginner learning your camera or looking to fine tune more advanced techniques, we can design the right session for you. If you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for, I can do custom sessions as well. I look forward to working with you!
One on One mentoring (online or in person) ~ $150
We'll spend 90 minutes together discussing any topics that will help you in your photography journey. Whether you are just picking up the camera to learn manual mode, looking to work on light or composition, or want to explore more advanced concepts of landscape photography, we will do it together at a time and place of our choosing.
landscape shooting session ~ Chicago ~ $325
We will choose a time and location in the city to shoot for 2 hours. Locations may include Adler Planetarium, downtown, and the lakefront. Includes 2 image critique post session.
Whether your interest is landscapes, people, or general use of your camera, I am happy to work with you.
We will choose a time and location to spend an hour and a half shooting together. Includes 2 images critique post session.
On Going 1 to 1 Mentoring ~ $350/month
We will work together to progress your learning over a month's time period. We'll start by setting some goals in the first week and each week will have its own assignment for critique. We will have ongoing email exchange and I will be available to you for questions all month long.
CAMERA BASICS ~ $75/person for 2-5 people
Have a fancy camera that you shoot in Auto? Want to take control and stop letting the camera make all the decisions? Grab a friend or 4 and we'll pick a time to spend an hour together going over the basics to get you started.
Advanced Post Processing Mentoring ~ $150
1 1/2 hours of mentoring on your choice of advanced post processing techniques.